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May 22, 2024

Dear Church of the Open Bible,

Do you brace yourself for change or lean into it? I like to think that I can roll with the punches and be content in any circumstance, but that’s not always the case. Let me give you an example of my oscillating heart. We had tire trouble in the middle of Saskatchewan this past weekend and I didn’t pop or deflate like the tire! Not bad, right? But then, I can find myself snapping at my kids when we’re running a few minutes late leaving the house in the morning. The first change I lean into like an adventure, whereas the second I brace myself and act as if it’s the end of the world. This shows the need for continuing work in my life. I was reminded of this need recently by the Apostle Paul.

“And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.”  - 2 Corinthians 9:8

This verse is found in the context of generous giving but it reflects the ongoing state of one trusting completely in God. I am struck by two things in this verse. The first thing that I’m struck by is the comprehensiveness of what a believer has available to them. All sufficiency. In all things. At all times. For every good work. What abundance! There is no lack. No need to brace or grip too tightly. But the reason for that is the second thing I’m struck by, which is the first “all” we find in the sentence. “God is able to make all grace abound to you…” Our ability to handle what comes at us flows from God’s abundant grace in our lives. It’s His abundant gift to us. This means that change can always be an opportunity for us to experience God’s gracious sufficiency.