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September 6, 2023

Dear Church of the Open Bible,

Have you ever been overwhelmed by the size of a job? I remember pulling up to a commercial apartment complex in Winnipeg to do some landscaping. It was a shaggy mess. The grass was long. The beds were thick with weeds. The hedges mimicked Einstein’s hairdo. It was an urban jungle! Considering the size of the job, I would’ve just driven right out of the parking lot if it wasn’t for something I had with me. I had a team of workers with me and it made all the difference. A few of my team started mowing, a few more began weed-wacking, and I started giving the hedges a haircut. After some hard hours of work, a job that looked so overwhelming was finished. I’m sure you’ve experienced this before. It’s a beautiful reality and it’s something that God built into His family, the church. 

Listen to God’s reason for leaders, like pastors and teachers, in the church…


…to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God…  - Ephesians 4:12-13

Sometimes it can be intimidating to consider the size of the job we’ve been given; to make disciples, to present mature followers of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. It can be especially overwhelming if we forget that we are part of a team, saints, who are equipped to build the Body. I am always amazed at this beautiful reality.

So, let me ask you two questions, do you feel equipped and are you building? Do you feel equipped by us leaders in the church to serve? If you don’t, let us know! We’d love to come alongside you and train and guide you. Secondly, are you building? Are you using your gifts to love others? If you aren’t, let us know! There are so many ways to encourage and build up others. I praise God for each of you as He accomplishes His will by His Spirit here at COB.