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February 7, 2024

Dear Church of the Open Bible,

The church of those who have received the gospel through faith is spread out and assorted. There are believers who gather regularly around the world to worship Jesus. While we can forget this reality at times, it can also be a bit intimidating to find our place in it. There are over 2000 Christian Denominations worldwide but even the 7-8 represented in Ponoka can cause us to question similarities and differences. It might surprise you to know that COB is a part of a denomination called Associated Gospel Churches of Canada. The AGC has around 150 churches nationally and desires to be a movement of healthy, reproducing churches.

I have appreciated being a part of the AGC for its accountability, resourcing, and connection with other like-minded pastors. Essential to that appreciation is Rob Cochrane, our AGC Regional Director. He and his wife, Wendy, have been a great support to not just our church, but also to those around us. It’s a privilege to have them visit us this coming Sunday. I also want to encourage you to hear them share during our Adult Sunday School time before the service. Besides sharing their ministry, Rob would also like to field any of your questions regarding the AGC.